


Our careers are one of the most important components of our lives. Data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) shows that U.S. 员工平均花费1美元,每年工作811个小时, which means that work accounts for almost a quarter of our waking lives.

Our careers can provide us with an income, stability, a purpose. 但是,当我们的职业不再满足我们的需求时,会发生什么呢? 它比你想象的更普遍. A recent Harris Poll found that more than half of American employees are considering a career change. 

If you’re feeling an itch to try something new, it could be a sign you need a career change. Luckily, you’re not alone — and many potential options are available for you to explore. 


人们出于各种各样的原因决定改变他们的职业, the massive job transformations that occurred in response to the pandemic have created even more. Here are some of the most common signs you need a career change: 

  • 激情与兴趣: 随着时间的推移, you may discover new interests or realize that your current job does not align with your true passion. You might choose a new career that resonates more with your interests and values.
  • 就业市场变化: 随着行业的发展,技术的进步, 全球化, 市场需求, 一些职业可能会萎缩,而另一些职业可能会增长. To ensure your employability, you might consider a switch to a growing industry.
  • 个人成长: Staying in one field for a long time can sometimes result in stagnation. 寻找能带来个人成长的新机会, 你可能想要寻求新职业的挑战.
  • 生活方式的原因: 的 demands of your current career might not align with your desired work-life balance, 尤其是如果你的个人情况最近发生了变化. 换工作是实现更好平衡的一种方式.
  • 收入及福利: 对提高收入潜力的渴望, 更好的福利, or more job security can lead you to explore more stable professions.
  • 精力枯竭: 压力大的工作或长时间的工作可能会导致倦怠. This could prompt you to search for a career that is less taxing mentally and physically.
  • 组织变更: 合并, 收购, 重组, 或者裁员可能会降低你的工作保障, 引导你考虑其他职业道路.
  • 对意义的渴望: 你可能觉得你目前的工作缺乏目标或意义. You might seek a career change to find work that aligns more closely with your personal values or your desire to make a difference.
  • 技能与优势: 随着时间的推移, you may recognize that your strengths and skills are better suited to a different profession.
  • 工作环境: 不喜欢你现在的工作文化, 工作环境, or co-workers can motivate you to switch careers to find a better cultural fit.
  • 健康原因: 由于健康问题,你可能需要换工作, choosing a profession that’s less physically demanding or better suited to your health needs.
  • 个人转换: 人生大事, 比如一次创伤性的经历, 人生的里程碑, 或者是个人的顿悟, 能让你重新审视自己的人生选择吗, 包括你对职业的选择.

不管是什么原因, the decision to change careers is a significant one that usually requires introspection, 研究, 和再培训. 这是值得的, 然而, as it can lead to increased satisfaction and fulfillment in your professional life.


While a career change takes time and effort, the outcome can be revolutionary for your life. Individuals who switch careers may experience benefits such as: 

  • 提高工作满意度 
  • 提高收入潜力
  • 更好地平衡工作与生活 
  • 增进健康和福祉 
  • 加强工作保障 
  • 重新激情 
  • 成就感 


如果你打算转行, 你可能需要接受额外的教育和培训, as acquiring new skills and qualifications proves to employers that you have what it takes to succeed. Although career training requires an investment of time and money, 许多负担得起的, 灵活的, 加速选项是可用的, so it’s likely you can find one that fits your budget and lifestyle. Here are some growing fields you might consider for your career change: 


熟练的交易 包括电气设备, 焊接, 和加热, 通风, 空调, 冷藏行业. This type of work provides the opportunity to have stable employment without the need for a college degree. 

根据PeopleReady 熟练的交易的数据, 超过770人,2000个技术贸易职位空缺从近95个,000 different employers have been posted since the beginning of 2023 alone. 加上U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that 工作 for electricians, 暖通空调-R力学, 在2021年至2031年间,焊工将增加5%. 


医疗技术人员和技术人员 专业人员的角色是否横跨整个医疗保健领域. 这些专业角色涉及的领域包括: 

  • 外科手术技术 
  • 放射技术 
  • 药学技术人员 
  • 无菌处理技术员 
  • 医学实验室技术员 
  • 心血管技术 


Commercial truck drivers are the backbone of the supply chain system, 这意味着它们一直供不应求. 个人有 商用驾照(CDL) 可以在当地工作, 州内的, 或者州际容量, 让他们从各种生活方式中选择. 

Employment of heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers is projected to grow by 4% by 2031, 平均约260,预计每年将有000个职位空缺, 根据美国劳工统计局. 


如果你需要换工作的迹象越来越多, 那么也许是时候考虑换工作了. 的 nationally recognized and accredited career training programs at 富通学院和研究院 have helped thousands of people like you gain better employment. 富通提供以下培训 熟练的交易, 医疗技术人员和技术员, 商业驱动 工作. 今天就去探索适合你的课程吧! 

软技能在暖通空调中的重要性 & 制冷事业
Benefits of Trade 学校: Why a Hands-on 熟练的交易 职业生涯 Might Be a Good Fit 

Cision PR通讯社, “随着熟练劳动力短缺的持续, PeopleReady 熟练的交易 Supports and Celebrates 职业生涯s in the Trades”
《十大正规赌博平台大全》,现在是转行的好时机吗? 越来越多的员工对此感觉良好。”
福克斯商业,“蓝色是新的白色”? Labor Market’s Sudden Shift Towards Skilled Trade Workers Is a Win for Blue-Collar Jobs” 
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians 
U.S. 劳工统计局,电工 
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Heating, Air Conditioning, 制冷 Mechanics and Installers
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Welders, Cutters, Solderers, Brazers